Solve your gift-giving dilemmas - and treat yourself!
2 Day Holiday Sale at Cat Clay!
Friday, December 6
5-9 pm
Saturday, December 7
10am - 3pm
Additional parking at
credit union & Greenovation.
Please don't park in front of
Happy Feet -
It's a "go & tow" zone!
Featuring hand-made gifts by:
Rancho Eyes-
handmade jewelry
Melissa Olson -
multi media
Debris Fragments -
And if that isn't enough - what could tempt you?
How about fabulous alt holiday tunes both days.
And on Saturday - tons of parking plus mac & cheese. Yum.
It doesn't matter if you've been naughty or nice.
Because we're part of this great FUNgerford event:
Krampus Does Hungerford
Explore 20 edgy-festive studios.
There will be a Krampus photo op, studio raffles and other jovial stuff!
Bring a new, unwrapped toy for the Pirate Toy Fund -
and you get a free bundle of switches.
Make Krampus happy!
Watch our Face Book page for details.
Krampus is coming to town!