There's so much news from Cat Clay!
Upcoming Events

Jack Craft
August 3rd
Helloooo, Buffalo!
We'll be at Jack Craft on Saturday, August 3rd.
It's at the Outer Harbor from 11 - 5!
Find us at table B6.
We're bringing 4 brand-new ornaments!
Clothesline Festival
September 7 & 8th
As summer turns to fall, it's time for Rochester's premier outdoor art festival - Clothesline at Memorial Art Gallery!
Save the dates - September 7 & 8th.
Cat Clay will be there with our complete line of pottery & pop vintage china.
Plus we'll introduce this year's new ornaments.
And NEWS FLASH: the MAG will be collecting toiletries for Sample Soap at Clothesline. Yay & yay!

Haunted Hungerford
First Friday - October 4
5 - 9 pm
October is the spooky season -
especially at Cat Clay and the Hungerford!
We're hosting Mike Kraus, the amazing painter.
Plus, we'll have a great contest and playlist.
And we're collecting spare change for Planned Parenthood, to protect them from goblins.
Haunted Hungerford
Studios throughout the building will be haunted.
Come in costume - there will be prizes!
And Halloween can be scary for kitties.
So we're collecting cat food at door 2 for rescue cats.