Valentines isn't just chox & hearts...
Swipe Right / Swipe Left
Match-making art by 9 artists
Friday, February 2nd
5 - 9 pm
Additional parking at
credit union & greenovation.
Please don't park in front of
Happy Feet -
It's a "go & tow" zone!
Jesse Amesmith
Jeana Bonacci Roth
Jenna Consiglio
Christine Meyer
Anna Overmoyer
Joseph Paladino
JJ Pelechaty
Martha Schermerhorn
Drew Tetz
We've hooked up 9 artists with some of our favorite pop vintage plates.
Will the artists swipe right or swipe left?
Come see their heart-felt responses.
And enter our "worst apology ever" contest.
Yeppers, we're doing that.
For more images, check out our Facebook event.
Our guest artists receive 100% of their sales
And we're part of Heartbreak Hungerford, presented by FUNgerford, of course.
Come celebrate the best & worst of romance with us.
Scope out our art studios for heart-felt offerings, including
- Love birds photo op
- Hand-crafted valentine cards
- Romantic zines
- DIY fabric heart collage & selfie
Plus event-exclusive art & raffles!
Be someone's Valentine!
Donate children's and adults' tshirts for survivors of domestic violence.