We care a lot...
Animal Rights - And Lefts!
Art by
Danielle Schnauber
Help save the kitties - bring a can of cat food for fosters!
100% of Dalai Kitten art sales will be donated to a no-kill shelter
Friday, May 5th
5 - 9 pm
Additional parking at
credit union & Greenovation.
Please don't park in front of
Happy Feet -
Your car will go to the pound!
Some people may think Danielle is strange – but we thing she’s wonderful. So what if she has multiple nicknames: Schnauber, Schnauby, Schnaubs, or Schnoobles. And, yeah, she collects dead things, including a jar of teeth, skulls, and antlers.
She comes by this weirdness naturally: her mother is from the state of Wyoming, where antelope out-number people. This last point may explain why Schnauby loves animals.
In real life, she’s a veterinary technician, who works hard to make our pets comfortable, happy, and healthy.
These 2 parts of Danielle world result in the inevitable joke: “You must be good at drawing blood because you are an artist.” Arf, arf, arf! And meowwww!
So come help her save animals on First Friday. And you can call her strange, call her Schnauby, but don't call her Danielle.
For more images, check out our Facebook event.
Our guest artists receive 100% of their sales
And we're part of Art for Action / Hungerford United, - presented by FUNgerford, of course.
20 studios will each pick a cause to champion & give back to our community.
And bring twin-sized blankets for the Rochester Protectives, an all-volunteer organization that supports the RFD.
Cat Clay will celebrate the birthday of the Dalia Kitten, Beckett.
100% of special adoption artwork sales will be donated to the Pet Adoption Network, a no-kill kitty shelter.
Save a kitty - donate some wet cat food. Fostering is expensive.